2nd ER visit
Friday June 12, 2020 During the week I refrained from riding my bike and focused on completing my 2nd graders' report cards. I took copious naps because the symptoms spread from my heart to my chest, back, and left side of my neck. My body was exhausted from the constant thoracic pain. I called the cardiologist's office (CO) multiple times throughout the week to schedule an appointment. I was told that they had 61 faxes to go through and that making an appointment doesn't happen in a day. This was confusing to hear. Monday night the emergency physician insisted that I see a cardiologist the following day. Why was my aneurysm not a concern to a cardiologist's office? I ended up calling the Olympia ER to remind them to fax over my patient visit information. Why was I having to connect the dots for these medical facilities? Thankfully, the nurse hotline followed up with my Monday evening phone call and asked if the pain had subsided. Their empathy was appreciated! When I...